Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Ci-i-i-ircle of Li-i-i-fe!

(If the video does not display, please click the link below) 
The Lion King "The Circle of Life"

So I am out walking this morning and stop to post a picture of a heart-shaped leaf on Instagram. I am seeing so many heart-shapes all over and have taken to posting them again...

Out of nowhere a voice belted something that sounded like "The Ci-i-i-ircle of Li-i-i-fe!" at the top of his lungs. In zero to 2 seconds I was feet off the ground, every hair on my body standing on end!

When I turned to see who it was, a young man plugged into his phone politely said, "Oh! I'm sorry"

All I could do was laugh and wish him a good day as he waved in response, continuing his tune...

I ended up doubled over laughing to compose myself. Turning to get back on the path, a man around his 80s in Nike shorts and a green tank top fast-walked by catching my laughter and joining in.

I turned around a few minutes later, only to run into the man in the green tank who had just turned around too. As I read his shirt, I had to take another laugh break. All I remember was something "Undie Run" and the year!

I not only get a good cardio workout on my walk-runs, but my abs are getting tighter from the laughter at all the T-shirts!

This post is dedicated to my father who loves to laugh! He's one of my biggest blog fans - it's mutual dad, I got a lot of my writing acumen from you!! - and it takes me back to listening to him cackle at The Road Runner cartoons long ago. Keep laughing Dad! You bring so much joy to the world!!! I love you :-)