As if the breeze and moon weren't gift enough, I turned to see this vision (below), again, a wobbly try to capture the last solar snooze of 2009.
A perfect evening at the McEwen household tonight. I am now headed to the kitchen to fix stroganoff for my knight in shining armor who saved our refrigerator from certain death by noticing a melt down late this afternoon in time to call a repairman. The repairman gave us a generous discount, so we thanked him with a brisket and sauce. He replied, "I'm going to have that tonight. Thanks!" The nice man also told us that fifteen years ago he spent many a night in this [our] house with one of his childhood buddies and was going to call him straight away to tell them about our abode's transformation. Another great gift before the day's end; a great story about our newly remodeled home, knowing it houses some wonderful memories for others.
We are also grateful for a blessed year and pray for loved ones suffering health issues and loved ones traveling, and one special young lady, Sarah, dedicating one year of her life in the Marshall Islands as an adviser/professor for students who are college bound.
2009, you were a good year to us. We will miss you. 2010, welcome!
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