Thank you for your service
You served our country for a season
Whether I agreed with you or not
God had you there for a reason
Now your time is over
Whether losing or retiring from service
God bless you as you return into
The society you built while in office
I pray if you find you are unhappy
That blaming others won't be your game
But learning the lessons humbly
Will help the next generation gain
And if you are happy with your lot
Then may you enjoy your restful years
It's your reward for serving happily
And surviving all the jeers
But in it all I pray you not
Forget your Creator Who gave you gifts
To serve your fellow man
And then return to Him
May God bless our country
And any other who calls on His name
May we citizens let God redeem
Each ounce of disharmony with Him
And may we bless each other, and not curse
Or blame or shun or whine
But overcome fear with truth
That progress may truly shine
May we truly look for God in every good we see, praying constantly for our leaders great and small. May we be thankful in our trials and let God use them to refine the impurities out that we might shine like stars in the night. May we all serve our fellow men by the light of God's grace and not merely with our own intelligence. As great as our mind seems in the moment, God's mind is not only greater in knowledge, but in compassion and kindness. May we grow more in the likeness of our Creator through the example of His Son, the One sent to bring us back to our First Love, Elohiym.
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