Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Isn't Forgiveness Freeing?

I would love to hear you funniest or most sober or most touching story arising from a misunderstanding.

Girl, Person, Oops, Forgotten Something

Me first.


An old college friend and myself were catching up a few years ago and we were having a lot of laughs. I then told her I felt bad about something I did in college and she said, "I don't recall that at all! But let me tell you what I've been feeling bad about all these years," and she shared something bad she felt she did to me that I had no recollection of!!! We then had another good laugh and it killed the bad story line we had been telling ourselves.

How many potential old friends are out there waiting reconciliation if only someone would give the other a chance? Has it been one, five or ten years? A lot can happen in a week, let alone a year or more. Chances are people have grown and there is something redeemable in reconnecting. Who knows, you might find out you are more alike, more forgiving or more of something better by letting others out of their box, or freeing the frozen memory from your mind!

Girl, At Night, Running, Cloud

Isn't forgiveness freeing?

Your turn!

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